Acceptable Level of Safety Performance (ALoSP)


The Cayman Islands aviation system includes a significant register of aircraft operating globally under OTAR Parts 121, 125, and 135, collectively identified, for the purposes of this document only, as commercial air transport.

The intent of the Cayman Islands ALoSP is to set and achieve safety standards which will engender the trust and confidence of those who provide or who have use of any part of its civil aviation system.

The Cayman Islands, in keeping with its status as a British Overseas Territory, has adopted a similar ALoSP to that of the UK and has developed an SSP that is designed to support and achieve it.


In common with the United Kingdom, the Cayman Islands has adopted an ALoSP that seeks to achieve:

No accidents involving commercial air transport that result in serious injuries or fatalities.

No serious injuries or fatalities to third parties as a result of aviation activities.

 The Cayman Islands seeks to achieve this ALoSP through State Safety Objectives that:

  1. protect people from aviation safety risks.
  2. have a positive influence on aviation safety through collaborative working.
  3. with our national and international partners.

Safety Objectives

To achieve the key targets identified within its ALoSP, the Cayman Islands has adopted the following primary State Safety Objectives:

  1. No fatal accidents in commercial air transport Aeroplanes where the Cayman Islands has State oversight responsibility;
  2. No fatal accidents in commercial air transport Rotorcraft where the Cayman Islands has State oversight responsibility;
  3. No fatal accidents involving people on the ground in the Cayman Islands as a result of an aviation accident;
  4. Implement an effective State Safety Programme that delivers its Acceptable Level of Safety Performance.