Meteorological Services

The objective of an aviation meteorological service is to contribute towards the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation by the provision of timely and accurate weather information.  It will be apparent that aircrew must be able to access accurate weather information when planning their flight and given the changing nature of the earth’s weather patterns this information will need to be updated as necessary to ensure that a planned flight can be completed safely.  This is achieved by providing necessary meteorological information to aircraft operators, flight crew, air traffic services units and airport management through network of international communication systems which ensures close liaison between those supplying meteorological information and those using it.

ICAO Responsibilities

As a signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the UK and its Overseas Territories are obligated to provide meteorological information to international air transport with the nature and extent of the service required being identified in ICAO Annex 3. In the Cayman Islands, an ICAO compliant service is provided by the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS).

The National Weather Service provides this service by collecting, analyzing and disseminating meteorological information received from its own sensors to both local and international users of the service. This information includes local actual weather conditions, forecast conditions, weather warnings and upper-air actual information derived from the radio.

Regulatory Requirements

Article 7(1) of The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2013, (AN(OT)O) or (the Order) as amended, gives effect to the Convention on International Civil Aviation requiring the Governor to ensure that the Annexes to the Convention are complied with. Thereafter, Article 7(2)(a) requires the Governor to provide or secure a meteorological service to meet the needs of international air navigation.

Consequently, Article 7 of the Order identifies the requirement for the provision of a meteorological service for aviation and for its regulation under Annex 3 of the Convention. In addition, ASSI have published OTAR 174 which provides additional regulation particularly in respect of oversight relationships. Further guidance is provided by OTAC 174-1 and OTAC 174-2 in relation to Definition of Service and Qualification of Personnel respectively.

In addition, OTAR 139.33 (b)(6)(iii) specifies that for an aerodrome to be certified, appropriate arrangements must be in place for the provisions of the meteorological services.

OTAR Part Certification of Aerodromes, Subpart 139.B.31 (e) (6) (i) specifies that for an aerodrome to be certified, appropriate arrangements must be in place for the provisions of the Meteorological Service.

There are no OTARs for Annex 3 (Met) so regulatory audits of the service provider will ascertain conformance with the provisions of Annex 3 itself in relation to the services set out by the Governor.