Deregistration Process

The following is a listing of sequential events that must occur before the deregistration of an aircraft can occur.

The aircraft owner or his/her agent, by evidence of Power of Attorney, will give Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI) the instructions to deregister the aircraft. This can be sent by email to Joni Wood at and

The aircraft account must be settled with CAACI before the aircraft can be deregistered. The CAACI Finance Division will provide details of outstanding amounts and any fees due upon deregistration when it has received the instruction that the aircraft will be deregistered. Requests for account statements and copies of invoices can be made to In addition to any outstanding balance, the deregistration fee will be $500.00 CI or $609.76 US. This can be paid by credit card to expedite the process.

In the event a Certificate of Airworthiness for Export is required by the importing state, a CAACI surveyor is required to inspect the aircraft before the certificate can be issued. In order to initiate this process, the CAACI will require that the Technical Coordinator of the aircraft complete the Survey Request Export application found in our online data management portal VP-C Online.

If you require a cost estimate for the Export which includes the Certificate, the aircraft survey expenses and deregistration fee, please contact Finance staff through the email address with this request. A pro forma invoice of the cost estimate can be provided to the owner or owner’s agent to expedite the required account settlement before deregistration. The funds can then be advanced to CAACI if paying by international wire transfer or can be paid by credit card through the payment portal of the CAACI’s website which is at the bottom right of this screen.

The original Certificate of Registration (C of R) is to be submitted to CAACI, with Section III signed by the owner of the aircraft or owner’s agent, accompanied by the related notarized Power of Attorney stating the aircraft will be deregistered and indicating the new state of registration. The name of the person signing should be printed under the signature. The date at the back of the Certificate can indicate the deregistration process must begin and the aircraft will not be deregistered until the final instruction is received from the owner, an officer of the company or the authorized person. However, the signed C of R can remain undated to be dated upon actual deregistration date. A scanned copy of the signed C of R should be sent by email to commence the deregistration process and for CAACI to verify that the signatory is authorised. Upon completion of the deregistration, a scanned copy of the signed and dated C of R with “cancelled” marked across the front is to be sent to and with a copy to Joni Wood, Director – Finance & Compliance (Designate) It is not necessary to mail the original afterwards.

The Lessor of a Charter by Demise registered aircraft or holder of an Irrevocable Deregistration Export and Request Authorisation (IDERA) over the aircraft must also give instructions to the CAACI on the termination of the current lease and give authorization that the aircraft can be deregistered. All of the related certified legal documents to be provided to the CAACI. For further details on documents required from the mortgagee or the lessor/legal owner please contact with a copy to

An aircraft that has a registered mortgage on the CAACI Mortgage Register will require a letter from the mortgagee as to how the mortgage is to be handled. If the mortgage is to be discharged under the Mortgaging of Aircraft Regulations (2015), sec 9, A Mortgage Discharge Application Form is to be completed and submitted to CAACI to Joni Wood at If the aircraft mortgage will not be discharged, and the mortgage will temporarily remain registered until after the aircraft is deregistered, the CAACI will require a letter of authorization from the mortgagee to deregister the aircraft which also indicates how the mortgage is to be dealt with.

Note: the CAACI’s obligation under the Mortgaging of Aircraft Regulations (2015) is to notify the mortgagee that the registered owner/mortgagor intends to deregister the aircraft, change particulars of the registration or change ownership. Although it is possible for the mortgage to remain registered with the CAACI under section 13 of the Regulations, if the aircraft is no longer registered with the CAACI, this obligation would fall away as the CAACI no longer maintains particulars on the aircraft to give notification of any changes.

If the mortgage is being discharged, the mortgagee and the mortgagor should complete a mortgage discharge form.

Please click here for additional information on discharging/delisting/ret