Flight Operations
From this page you can readily navigate to your point of interest. We have divided our website area into four topical subjects:
Regulations and Requirements are available here, including the details of the relationships we have with Air Safety Support International. Under the Quick Links section on the left you can find links to guidance material on all related Approvals, Licenses, and Certificates along with a link to our CAACI guidance material; Cayman Islands Aviation Circulars (CIACs). Under the Bulletins section, also on the left you can view our Bulletin Section where we publish bulletins on safety initiatives and urgent matters.
Reporting to the Director Air Safety Regulation, our Flight Operations Team are located in our office in the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman. In Grand Cayman we have two Fixed Wing Flight Operations Inspectors and a contract Rotary Wing Flight Operations Inspector based in North America. Additionally there are two (2) Dangerous Goods Inspectors supported by Technical Officers. The Flight Operations Team provides regulatory services to support the operation of aircraft in various categories. We are pleased to offer you a team made up of highly experienced and respected aviation professionals. They have detailed knowledge of regulations and the ability to administer the implementation of regulations in a proportionate and compliant manner. As Safety Management Systems are now a key aspect of all categories of aircraft operations, our Flight Operations Team is highly experienced in this field and are keen to support operators in this vital aspect of international regulation. We strive to provide safety conscious partnerships and advice and guidance in this industry.