Flight Operations

Pilot Licencing

This page provides information and guidance on the approval process for the issuance of Pilot Licences and Licence Validations. This information is common to all categories of aircraft operation. The Pilot Licence Validation Application is available in the VP-C online portal, while the Pilot Licence Application can be found listed in the Forms Section located on this page. Login credentials for the VP-C online portal are assigned to the Post Holder(s) for Flight Operations. Guidance on navigating the VP-C online system can be found on the CAACI Home Page:

  • Pilots Licence Validation Application
  • Pilots Licence Application

Your reference to regulatory requirements for the above are, OTAR Parts 61, and 91, and 121, or 125, or 135 as applicable, and ICAO Annex I. Under the Quick Links section on the left you can find the applicable guidance documents, Cayman Islands Aviation Circulars (CIACs) supporting these applications, and the links to obtain controlled copies of the OTARs and specific ASSI OTACs including the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order.

Notable aspects:

  • Licences and Validations are issued on the basis of the applicant holding a similar Certificate or rating issued by an ICAO contracting State.
  • For the issuance of a Cayman Islands Pilot Licence, the applicant will be subject to an Air Law written Examination.
  • Certificates of Validations are only issued to those applicants who are required to act as flight crew on Cayman Islands registered aircraft being operated in the Private Category.

*For questions or queries contact flightcrewlicensing@caacayman.com.