Nicoela (Nikki) McCoy
Deputy Director-General Economic Reg. & Admin
Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands
P.O. Box 10277 APO, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, BWI
Tel: 345-949-7811, ext. 224; Fax: 345-949-0761
CAACI employees donate to local charity amid COVID-19 pandemic
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (17 July 2020) – “The Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI), Cayman’s aviation regulator has been fully deployed working remotely during COVID-19, ensuring that aircraft on the Cayman Islands Aircraft Registry (CIAR), (which includes the local air operator certificate holders such as Cayman Airways, Cayman Express, MRCU, Cayman Islands Helicopters and the RCIPS Helicopters) meets international safety standards. CAACI’s Director-General of CAA, Mr. Richard Smith commented, “Due to our business continuity plan including secured electronic data management platforms and robust systems, our staff has delivered technical safety oversight to ensure the safety of the Cayman travelling public and the aircraft on the CIAR based globally.”
CAACI’s Deputy Director-General, Mrs. Nicoela McCoy remarked, “the impact of COVID-19 on the local community has been significant, in e-meetings with our staff the overwhelming collective view was to do something to support the relief efforts by charitable organisations. The CAACI staff decided to engage in team-building e-activities on a weekly basis aimed at lifting the spirits of our staff members and challenging each other to raise funds for these worthy causes to make a monthly donation to a select charity.” For the month of June, the funds donated by CAACI staff members has been donated to Feed Our Future Cayman (FOF), local charity established in 2011 whose mission it is to solve childhood hunger and to support intellectual nourishment in the Cayman Islands. Continuing Mrs. McCoy said, “the CAACI regularly supports a num