Due to the increase of positive test results in the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands Government implemented a shelter-in-place order via the Cabinet as of Tuesday, 24 March 2020 as an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
In compliance with the Cayman Islands Government’s shelter-in-place order, the CAACI office at Grand Harbour closed as of 5 pm on 23 March 2020 and will remain closed until further notice. Staff are however working remotely and full access to email and through VP-C Online are resourced to service our valued clients and exercise regulatory oversight.
The following email contacts and mobile phones are available for your use:
- The Director-General, P. H. Richard Smith – Richard.smith@caacayman.com
- Aircraft Registry/aircraft safety oversight – DASR, Lindsay Cadenhead Lindsay.cadenhead@caacayman.com
- Operating Permit requests including air ambulances – Elaine Whorms elaine.whorms@caacayman.com or Nikki Mccoy, Deputy DGCA, Nikki.mccoy@caacayman.com
- Aerodrome issues – Alastair Robertson, DANSR Alastair.robertson@caacayman.com
- Human Resources – Yvonne Gray-Tomlinson yvonne.gray-tomlinson@caacayman.com
- Finance/Accounts enquiries – Jane Panton: jane.panton@caacayman.com