Legislation (Air Navigation Order)

The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order, as amended (AN(OT)O), is the Statutory Instrument of the Cayman Islands and as such is the enabling legislation for the operational control and continuing airworthiness of Cayman registered aircraft.

The Instrument is comprised of 24 Parts representing 164 Articles and 6 Schedules.

The responsibility for publication status lies with Air Safety Support International (ASSI), wholly-owned, subsidiary company of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, established under Directions from the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport. Any proposed amendments or revisions generally are published for consultation prior to formal amendment.

The document may be accessed electronically at www.airsafety.aero.

Overseas Territories Aviation Regulations

ASSI publishes the OTARs on behalf of Governors of the Overseas Territories (OTs) in support of the Governor’s powers contained in the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order – the AN(OT)O.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) provide details of means of compliance with the AN(OT)O which are acceptable to Governors, ASSI and the United Kingdom Government. They describe the way in which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals and licences, and the process through which these are maintained to ensure adequate levels of safety and internationally-agreed standards are met. They are not intended to supersede or conflict with statutory requirements, and so the obligation to comply with statutory requirements remains. The appropriate authority may accept an alternative means of compliance, provided that the applicant can show that the level of safety will not be reduced below that intended by the requirement.

OTAR Part numbers have been allocated because of industry familiarity with the topics and numbering but do not assume that an approval under an OTAR Part equates to an approval under a similarly numbered requirement of another regulatory system or vice versa.

OTARs apply where they have been ‘gazetted’ (formally notified) in the particular Territory. They are live requirements and will change over time in response to a variety of factors. This may necessitate re-approval in some cases but, if so, a reasonable period of notification will normally be given. At the present time, the CAACI have gazetted 27 OTARs.

General Exemptions

In order to facilitate the implementation of new or revised changes to the AN(OT)O’s and/or OTARs, it may be necessary to issue a General Exemption to the Order, to enable Operators or Maintenance Facilities a practical transition time.