Economic Regulation & Administration

The Economic Regulation & Administration division at the Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for the economic regulation of the aviation industry throughout the Cayman Islands. The division aims to provide effective economic regulatory framework and policies for foreign registered carriers operating into the Cayman Islands as well as the administration of policies and international agreements that govern Cayman Islands’ airlines and in accordance with local legislation and international standards and recommended practices, with the objective of advancing the long-term interests of air transport operators and users.

The Economic Regulation & Administration division at the CAACI oversees the economic regulation of the Cayman aviation industry. The primary responsibilities are as follows:

To establish principles in accordance with ICAO recommendations for economic policy (that include non-discrimination, cost-related, transparency and consultation with users) to regulate air transport services, service providers and facilities;

  1. To license scheduled and non-scheduled air transport operators (this includes all charter and air ambulance providers) in accordance with the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories)
  2. Order with an aim to ensure all operators are duly licensed and providing the highest standards of safety for the travelling public;
  3. To provide a liaison between the Cayman Islands Government and the UK’s Department for Transport for the purpose of negotiating international air service agreements that impact the Cayman Islands (bilateral or multilateral agreements);
  4. To collect and collate statistics and industry indicators pertaining to the air transport industry that can be used for development and planning purposes;
  5. To monitor fares/tariffs for the Cayman Islands aviation industry.