Cayman Islands Aircraft Registry focuses on Aircraft Transitions specific to Lessors

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (18 June 2020) - The impact of the ongoing pandemic COVID-19 on the aircraft industry has been unprecedented. The Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI), custodian of the Cayman Islands’ Aircraft Registry (CIAR), has implemented proactive measures to meet these new challenges providing enhanced services to our existing and [...]

CAACI Policy on Flight Crew Recency

Further to the relaxed renewal policy previously issued by the CAACI, the following is specific guidance for air operators and flight crews to meet the Flight Crew Recency requirements specified in the OTAR applicable to their scope of flight operation.

NOTICE TO PILOTS AND OPERATORS – Certificate of Validation (CoV)

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTAR) reference 61.701 The COVID-19 pandemic continues to adversely affect the aviation world in many ways, one of which is with regards to flight crew maintaining the validity of their licences/ratings, as well as that of operational checks. With regards to flight crew licences, the CAACI issues CoVs, eligibility for which [...]

CAMO Recommendation to Operators

21 April, 2020 Based on the current global situation, some Cayman registered aircraft owners may find their aircraft inaccessible or grounded for an extended period of time.  For this reason, some required maintenance tasks may not be readily able to be accomplished.  This will render the Certificate of Airworthiness to be no longer In Force [...]